Try Play
Try Play is a fun and engaging 6-hour program offered as a follow-up to Try Tennis. Players learn how to play points, games, tie-breaks and matches. These play-to-learn sessions consist of group instruction and guided play, allowing you to play a match with little to no guidance when you are done. This program is ideal for Try Tennis graduates and beginner tennis players that have very little match play experience.
Email with any questions.
Adult Try Play Sessions
Click the registration button for the session that best fits your schedule.
Make Up Class Policy
We are unable to offer make up classes. Many of our locations and coaches have restrictions on how many players may be on the court during a class. Please review all of the class dates prior to registration.
Refund Policy
Players who have registered for a Try Play program and are not able to participate may request a refund. Notify at least one week before the program begins. Otherwise, a voucher that can be used to attend a program at a later date will be issued.