June 5 - 6, 2021 | Millbrook Tennis Center
This past weekend wrapped up the Cy King Summer Classic Tournament Series with 120 Boys & Girls singles players in 12, 14, 16, and 18 & Under divisions, competing in the L6 Summer Challenger. The tournament was managed by Scott Handback, Director of Carolina Tennis. Tournament Honoree, Cy King was there to congratulate each of the first and second place winners. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers and sponsors that helped make this event a tremendous success and fun for players.
Girls 18s Champion, Gia Fenton-Noriega
Girls 18s Second Place Winner, Kate Goracke
Girls 14s Champion, Reese Terrell and 2nd place, Evelyn Ball with Cy King.
Boys 18s Champion, Kristan Carson and 2nd Place, Wesley Owens with Cy King.
Boys 14s Champion, Luke Ansari and 2nd Place, Will Markham with Cy King.
Boys 12s Champion, Daniel Boehling and 2nd place, Dhruv Mishra with Cy King.
Girls 12s Champion, Kendall Noel and 2nd place, Caroline Urish with Cy King.
Boys 16s Champion, Ethan Wan and 2nd Place, Duy Thai Nguyen with Cy King.
Girls 16s Champion, Caroline Brazel and 2nd place, Samantha McEachran with Cy King.
Pictured is Cy King, Julie Dick, RTA Executive Director, Terry Perrone, RTA Board Member, and Tournament Director, Scott Handback.