DECEMBER 6 - 8, 2024
Unsanctioned: Frostbite Doubles
Millbrook Exchange Tennis Center, 1905 SPRING FOREST RD, RALEIGH, NC, 27615
The Frostbite Doubles Tournament is December 6-8. Grab a partner for a festive weekend of fun at Millbrook Exchange Tennis Center! We will serve hot food and drinks on Saturday and look forward to seeing players dressed in their most spirited holiday clothing (optional).
Event Details:
Entry fee, $30 Players may enter a maximum of 1 event.
Time conflicts should be considered prior to entering the tournament.
USTA ratings are used for this event. The current USTA ratings are listed online as of December 2023.
Teams may enter events at their combined NTRP rating or above but not below:e.g., for Combo 7.0 either two 3.5 players, or a 3.0 and a 4.0 player, or a 3.0 and a 3.5 player may enter but not a 3.5 and 4.0.
Juniors and Seniors must play in the age group that they will be in on December 31, 2024.
Juniors may play in an adult division but adult teams must have at least one player who is 18 years+.
Players may substitute partners before the first match and only if changes do not affect the seeding.
Please note that when you register for an event, make sure you are signing up for the correct event.